About Nick
Nick is a long time coach in the health and fitness industry. He spent the majority of his 1 on 1 coaching working in the rehabilitation setting in close collaboration with physical therapists and other medical providers. It was in this setting that his love and passion for sleep developed. Between the many of his own clients struggling and the seemingly strong link between sleep and recovery time, Nick knew he needed to learn more. He set out on what a multi year long journey to piece together all he could about sleep and more importantly how to apply it with clients.
He instituted sleep coaching as a separate service in the integrated clinic he was working at the time and ended up coaching nearly 100 struggling clients.
He then developed The Online Sleep Coach brand to broaden his reach and take his sleep coaching online. In this capacity, he had the pleasure of coaching individuals of all walks including athletes in the NFL, MLB, NBA, UFC and US Olympic team. He provided consultations for many teams and organizations.
However, Nick had a desire to have even more of an impact on the sleep space. He saw a tremendous void in how coaches and practitioners truly embraced sleep into their process. (Typically just giving a client a sleep hygiene list and having some general conversation). He realized that he needed to help individuals shortcut the process he took to learn about sleep. There was no comprehensive & practical resource for coaches could go to learn all they needed to know about sleep and how improve it with their clients. This is where the mission of the Sleep & Recovery Coaching Course was born.
Nick took over a year to create the course, carefully consulting with an advisory board and many experts in the space. The result is a full certification course that provides all the tools you'll need and that is continually evolving. With over worldwide 500 students already, Nick hopes the course will be a part of a revolution around sleep and how it's viewed in the industry. The course truly is the first of its kind.
To further the mission of spreading sleep knowledge, Nick has created the Sleep EdYOUcation brand which will feature the work of many others in the space.
Outside of the course, Nick runs an education company called COACHED geared towards empowering coaches to address the missing links in the health and fitness industry (communication, collaboration, etc.) The company runs regular events including the Raise the Bar Conference.
On a non education note, Nick is a husband and proud dad to 2 beautiful and amazing girls (Sophie & Maya)