Exclusive Summit Offer:
Click below and get...
✅ Lifetime access to comprehensive Sleep and Recovery Coaching Course (10 hours of core content, 16 content expert contributions spanning 12+ hours of material, and countless practical tools and resources) (3 weeks before everyone else and at $100 less)
✅ Lifetime access to the entire 35 speakers of the virtual recovery summit and any future renditions of the summit
✅ TWO (2) 30-minute coaching calls to be used at any time in the next year to help with implementation of material
✅ Access to 4-week course walkthrough and kickoff program and all added bonus values below
✅ Private Facebook group with regular lives, Q&As and group discussions
(Limited to 30 committed coaches only!)
GIVE ME THE SPECIAL OFFER!Sleep and Recovery Coach Course
Recovery breeds adaptation,
Adaptation breeds results.

Why understanding the relationship between sleep, recovery, and results equals HUGE OPPORTUNITY for coaches and other healthcare professionals.
It’s time…
To find the balance between a reasonable schedule, autonomy, financial success, confidence in a long term career and the impact you desire on the lives of those you work with.
As I’ve previously mentioned, burnout, turnout and leaving the industry are real problems and a reality we all face. Most coaches and healthcare providers don’t last more than 5 years in the industry and the amount that makes it to the 10 year mark is shocking. Despite this, the industry is diluted with newcomers and the ability to differentiate yourself is becoming increasingly difficult.
The reality is, if you don’t adapt, if you don’t get great results consistently, and if you don’t find creative ways to stand out and develop extra streams of revenue, the competition will chew you up and spit you out. When it gets to this point, you’ll either leave the industry to find a new career or be unhappy with the profitability and impact you can have.
However, I know that there is a better way and that is through sleep.
Consider this:

Roughly HALF of the global population struggles with sleep and 80% admitted to struggling to sleep at least once a night per week. Of the 80%, 3 out of 10 admitted to using sleeping pills to help sleep.

Sleep trends are growing exponentially (6x more searches worldwide for “sleep help” vs. “nutrition help” and 3x more searches for “sleep help” vs “exercise help”)

The number of coaches by specialty in the US: Fitness/Exercise = 365,655
Physiologists = 16,000
Number of Dieticians/Nutritionists = 71,000
Number of Precision Nutrition Coaches = 31,000+ Number of Sleep Coaches = ???
Tremendous opportunity to differentiate yourself and be a solution for the so many struggling

Unfortunately one of the only options available for those struggling is the unhealthy use of sleeping pills. Pills and aids that come with serious risks and that don't address the root cause

The other common solution lies in sleep hygiene lists that don’t offer any individuality or prioritization/ hierarchy of focus and promote over reliance on technology or sleeping aid supplements.

Sleep impacts EVERY single goal that your client or patient has. If you're trying to make a larger impact on long term health and well being, there might be no better way than optimizing sleep
With the lack of real sustainable “solutions”, it’s no wonder why so many people are looking for sleeping help. And that is where your opportunity as a coach lies.
The Sleep and Recovery Coach Course is the comprehensive guide you need to become a sleep expert and play a part in the revolution towards better sleep. In this course you’ll learn:
- The overlooked correlation between sleep, health and performance
- How sleep impacts every single physiological system
- How to effectively assess sleep and look for red flags
- How to practically coach sleep and implement a system of principles you can repeat regardless of who you work with
- How to guide your clients or patients through the process of recovery and adaptation and in turn better results
- The impacts of circadian biology and timing on everything you’re trying to accomplish with your clients
- Strategies to increase and improve your collaboration with other members of the healthcare community and team.
By the end of this course, I promise you that you will have everything that you need to grow your coaching business and create the results and impact you desire.
The only thing you need to worry about now is taking the first step. And by the way, there’s absolutely ZERO risk because if you don’t absolutely love the course after 30 days, I’ll happily refund your money.
What took me years and thousands of dollars to master and perfect, you’re going to learn in the time it takes you to complete this course.
This iceberg here is a great representation of the importance and need for sleep coaching as well as the misconceptions for many around improving sleep. For many, the route to long term sleep health is just “getting more” or “trying harder.” The reality is that is very much only the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more elements involved that we as coaches must help clients address if they genuinely want to improve sleep and in a sustainable way.

Also, as part of my launch group, you’ll be given LIFETIME access to the course, and complete access to all future renditions and updates.
Module One: Why Sleep/Why Sleep Coaching
Module Two: Anatomy and Physiology
Module Three: Assessment/Screening
Module Four: The Coaching Process
Module Five: The Impacts of Circadian Biology and Application
Module Six: Recovery and Regeneration
Module Seven: Marketing and Opportunities
Module Eight: Bonus Section
If all this value still isn’t enough for you, I’m about to make it a no brainer...
If you don’t absolutely love the course after 30 days, I’ll happily refund ALL of your money.
"This course includes an entire module/section introducing you to Circadian Rhythms and Biology. This evolving field is the understanding of timing and its' impact on health and performance. This introduction allows you to be on the cutting edge of the new trend!"

When you enroll in the course, you’ll also get special access to the following bonuses.
Sleep and Recovery Coach Course Practical Tool Kit
- Sleep Disorders Screening Questionnaire
- Complete Sleep Intervention Guide
- Sleep Bucket Assessment Form
- Sleep Progress Summaries
- Easy Sleep Check System
- STOP BANG Questionnaire (Apnea)
- Stress Management Options for Sleep (PDF)
- Subjective Measures for Sleep
- Sleep Lifestyle Optimization Checklist
- Sleep Hygiene Index
- Sleep Diary (multiple options)
- Sleep Course Graphics (to use in presentations or materials)
- Ultimate Red Flag Screening Tool
- Sleep Behavioral Assessments
- Simple Six to Sleep Optimization Product (PDF)
- RSATED Sleep Questionnaire
- Pre Sleep Arousal Scale
- Perceived Stress Scale and Stress Web
- Sleep Quality Screenings and Questionnaires
- Negative to Positive Sleep Thoughts Coaching Tool
- Medical History
- Disorder Screening Questionnaires
- Circadian Entrainment Checklist
- Coaching Flowcharts
- Changing Habit Loop
- Athlete Sleep Questionnaire
- Simple Sleep "Check" System
- Info on Sleep medication
- Glasglow Sleep Effort Scale
- Paradoxical Intention Methods for Sleep
- 10 Point Sleep Health Tracker
- Sleep Beliefs Restructured Coaching Tool
- HRV Tools
- Focus Grids for Practice
- Sleep Integration Strategies
- Sleep Coaching Block Options
- Yoga Nidra Script
- Done for you Presentations
- Recovery Templates
- More and continually growing and evolving
Bonus Presentations from the following Content Experts

Michael Mullin, PTA, ATC
Breathwork and Practical Applications

Dr. Jay Wiles, Psy. D, BCB, BCB-HRV
HRV Biofeedback and Mitigating the Stress Response

Alex Effer BKin, CEP, CSCS, XPS
Principle Based Approach to Assessment and Training

Dane Bartz, PhD, MS, CSCS
Practical Programming for Recovery

Clinical and Practical Board of Advisors
The Sleep and Recovery Coach Course is endorsed, reviewed and supported by industry-leading experts in a variety of different disciplines to ensure you're getting the most up to date, safe and accurate information possible.

Gregory Potter, PhD
Circadian Biology and Chrononutrition Advisor
Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer at Resilient Nutrition, Health and Performance Consultant

Dr. Jay Wiles
Clinical Psychology Advisor
Health Psychologist, Nutritional Psychology Consultant, Biofeedback Expert, Biohacker

Dr. Nick Nwabueze
Internal and Lifestyle Medicine Advisor
Family Medicine Physician, Precision Nutrition Coach, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, Black Belt in TaeKwonDo, "TheFittestDoc"

Matthew Ibrahim
Strength and Conditioning Advisor
Matthew Ibrahim serves as Co-Owner, Director of Strength & Conditioning and Internship Coordinator at TD Athletes Edge in Boston, MA. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Maryville University and Endicott College, in addition to being a Ph.D. student at Rocky Mountain University in the Human and Sport Performance program.

Dr. Lutz Graumann, MD, PhD
Sports Medicine and Performance Advisor
World Renowned Educator, Author and MD provider in sports medicine and nutrition

Dr. Monika Sharma
Behavioral Sleep Medicine Advisor
Trained at University of Pennsylvania, CBT-I expert, founder Sleep Moksha

Dr. Daniel Barone, MD
Sleep Medicine and Neurology Advisor
Associate Medical Director Weill Cornell Center for Sleep Medicine, Assistant Professor and
Best Selling Author Book (recommended reading) :
"Let's Talk About Sleep"

Ryan Glatt, MSc
Neuroscience Advisor
Creator Brain Health Trainer Course, MSc Applied Neuroscience, Brain Health Coach at Pacific Brain Health Center

Dr. Jason Myerson, DPT, OCS
Physical Rehabilitation and Pain Advisor
Therapist, Orthopedic Specialist, Felllow of American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists, Professor at Quinnipiac University, Pain Expert/Educator

Dr. George Tsangaroulis, DDS
Dentistry Advisor
Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Sleep Medicine, Apnea Treatment, Private Practice Owner, Myofunctional Therapy

Joel Jamieson
Conditioning and Recovery Advisor
World Renowned Conditioning Expert, Creator Bioforce Conditioning Coach Course, Morpheus

Marco Altini, PhD
Heart Rate Variability and Data Science Advisor
Founder HRV4Training, High Performance Consultant, 50+ Publications

Patrick McKeown
Breathwork Advisor
World Renowed Educator and Author, Founder The Oxygen Advtanage

Dr. Kristen H. Bellom-Rohrbacher, ClinScD, CCC-SLP, TSSLD
Speech Language Pathology Advisor
Founder of Westchester-Putnam TheraTeam, LLC

Dina D'Alessandro, MS, RDN, CDN
Nutrition Advisor
Registered Dietitian, Professor, Educator
*The presence of the board members by no means implies their medical advice or guidance.

Sports Psychiatrist and Sleep Medicine Physician Perspective and Discussion
with Dr. Shane Creado
Author of Peak Sleep Performance for Athletes
Included in the course is this conversation between Dr. Creado and myself where he offers his clinical perspective on how and why coaches and other practitioners can have an impact on sleep, as well as what we should be weary off, especially working with the athletic population
Don't waste another day, month or year going through the motions and leaving results on the table for your clients. Guide your clients to sleep and recovery and don't learn the lessons the hard way like I had to!
Here’s exactly what you’ll get, as well as the total value of the course.
✔️Access to the 10-hour comprehensive course that is truly the first of its kind covering Sleep, Sleep Coaching, Recovery, Circadian Biology, Behavior Change and so much more. (A course that is overseen and approved by a board of experts in all fields of medicine, health, fitness and wellness) ($799 value)
✔️10 content expert bonus contributions covering 8 hours of additional material from some of the best in the industry ($499 value)
✔️Opportunity to certify and brand yourself as a Certified Sleep and Recovery Coach Course to add an additional stream of revenue and differentiate yourself in a crowded industry (Unlimited potential value $)
✔️FREE Lifetime Access to Exclusive Annual Sleep and Recovery Summits (1 Virtual and 1 in person) ($499 value each year)
✔️FREE access to very first recovery and sleep summit recorded this May (over 20+ hours of presentations from 30+ industry leaders) ($179 value)
✔️4 Week Walk Through and Practical Takeaway program beginning at launch of course ($199 value)
✔️DONE for you sleep coaching blocks ($79 Value)
✔️Discounted access (up to 75% off) to in person workshops and collaborative workshops (up to $400 Value)
✔️FREE Access to the Find your Prime Men’s Health Virtual Summit with over 30+ speakers ($199 value)
✔️6 Week Simple Six to Sleep digital product to offer to and utilize with clients
✔️Access to lifetime updates and renditions of course (unlimited value)
✔️DONE for you Sleep and Recovery programs and presentations you can use in your community and otherwise ($99 value)
✔️First 50 signed up will get exclusive access to first Sleep Coaching Business group launching at end of 2020 ($499 value)
✔️FREE access to Virtual Back to Basics Workshop (6+ hours on Sleep and Breathwork with Michael Mullin) ($149 value)
✔️Access to private Facebook group to network, ask questions, and be provided more material
✔️File with all of the graphics included in the course to be able to use with any of your own presentations, social media posts and materials ($49 value)
✔️Exclusive discounts on supporting products and services (up to $499 value for yourself and your client)
✔️Free opt in availability for affiliate program where 30% is available to offer between discount for others and commission for yourself (unlimited value potential)
✔️Free sleep coaching session with me for yourself or family member($79 value, valid for first 25 sign-ups only)
✔️Access to recorded Q&A/presentations from previous coaching groups
✔️Tool Kit that includes 40+ documents that are all of the resources you need to practically implement this into your process regardless of what situation you’re currently in ($49 value)
Over $3000 of value available at exclusive course launch price of $397 or 3 monthly payments of $149.
Virtual Summit Speakers
(Full lifetime summit access is included with the course launch)
Day 1: Active Recovery
- Sean Light: 16 Days to Completely Change Your Career Path
- Joel Jamieson: Principles of Conditioning for Recovery
- Nick Lambe: Sleep, Recovery and Circadian Biology
- Matthew Ibrahim: Isometrics for Tendon Health Gains
- Michael Mullin: Breathwork and Position
- Chris Duffin: Soft Tissue Management
- Ian Markow: Mobility for Recovery
- Kevin Carr: Rehab Principles for Fitness Professionals
- Arash Magshoodi: Intro to Blood Flow Restriction
- Nick Rolnick: Applications of Blood Flow Restriction
- Dr. Stuart McGill: Strategies to Mitigate Back Pain
- Sue Falsone: The Rehab to Performance Continuum
- Brendon Rearick: Programming Checklists
- Jonathan Filipe: Considerations for Active Recovery
- Derek Hansen: Running and Sprint Mechanics that Ensure Proper Recovery
- Alex Effer: Unlocking Thoracic Rotation
Day 2: Lifestyle Recovery
- Nick Lambe: Intro to Sleep Coaching Assessment
- Brian Cain: Pillars to Mental Performance
- Rich Thaw: Come for the Training, Stay for the Relationships
- Dan John: Programming Strategies for Long Term Preservation
- Gerard Friedman: Applications of Health Coaching
- Patrick McKeown: Nasal Breathing for Recovery and Health
- Adam Ross: Principles of Nutrition for Recovery
- Dr. Stephen Hussey: Cholesterol and Implications for CV Health
- Marco Sanchez: Financial Freedom for the Modern Strength Coach
- Dr. Jay Wiles: HRV BIofeedback and Mitigating Stress
- Aleena Kanner: Female Empowerment in the Fitness Industry
- Neil Roberts: Meditation and Mindfulness
- Rick Richey: Insights from the World’s First Recovery Studio
- Zac Cupples: Airway, Respiration and Sleep
- Leigh Ewin: Coldwater Exposure and Applications
- Derek Mendoza: A Coaching Lens to Nutrition
- Lucy Hendricks:Building a Training Model That's Adaptable During Health Setbacks
Exclusive Launch Program:
4-Week Intro and Course
Walk Through Program
As part of the initial launch, we’ll be running a 4-week coaching program that kicks off a couple weeks following course release! This program is designed to introduce you to the course, review the key concepts and give the best practical strategies for navigating and implementing!
It also includes:
- Live Q&A each week to answer your questions regarding the material (2 schedule options)
- Community discussions

The Most Bold Guarantee in the world!
Listen, I’m in business to make an impact and if you don’t absolutely feel like this course delivered in every single way, then I will happily refund your money. However, I’m also a strong believer in taking action which is why if you’re not ready to make an impact and grow your coaching business, then DO NOT purchase this course.
Also, as part of my launch group, you’ll be given LIFETIME access to the course, and complete access to all future renditions and updates

Additional Important Topics Covered in Course:

Heart Rate Variability


Behavior Change

Healthcare Collaboration

Circadian Biology
Why is this course right for me?
What are the benefits of joining The Sleep and Recovery Coach Program?
What makes this course stand out from others?
Is there really a satisfaction guarantee?
What if I don’t think I will provide sleep coaching? Especially not as a separate service?
Who is this course for?
Is the course self paced or in a specific time frame? How long will it take to complete?
Can’t I just read about sleep and learn what I need to know?
Is there an exam? Certification? CEUs
The information covered in this course is solely for educational purposes. Sleep often requires medical intervention and this course and it's associated material is not meant to replace those interventions. It is not intended to provide medical guidance or diagnosis. It is still necessary to secure MD clearance when embarking on any health and wellness interventions.
There will be the opportunity upon completing the course to become a “Certified Sleep and Recovery Coach” This will be done by completing 2 case studies provided within the course and 2 case studies working with your own clients.
Benefits to Certification:
• Increased credibility and perceived level of expertise
• Branding and differentiation
• Additional stream of revenue
• Easier to secure collaborations and network

Hi, I’m Nick Lambe
The Online Sleep Coach
I built this for you. I built this for me when I got into coaching. There was no roadmap. I would’ve done anything to have access to this knowledge, experts, and proven system. It took me years to master and thousands of dollars, but after sticking with it I finally put together the winning recipe for creating the coaching results and impact I wanted when I started. I have coached countless individuals of all walks from seniors to professional athletes to better sleep and I'm sharing my proven system. Now I’m pulling back the curtain and showing you exactly what to do, what you need to know about sleep, and how to create amazing results for yourself and your clients. This course gives you everything you need to separate yourself from the noise and competitive coaching space.
Join our community!
Sean Light
CEO, 4A Health
Gerard Friedman
Bellhouse Fitness, Health Coach
Barry Bridges
Sleep Consultant, Mind Sports South Africa
Derek Mendoza
Strength & Conditioning Coach, Seattle Mariners

Michael J. Mullin, ATC, PTA, PRC
Integrative Rehab Training
“I have been researching and collaborating with other professionals over the last few years on the importance of quality sleep and the influence it has on so much of our overall health. I was fortunate enough to have attended Nick’s Online Sleep Coach live program last year and I left with an enriched understanding of not only the influence sleep has on the system, but also the number of factors and variables that can impact successful outcomes. He is incredibly knowledgeable in this area and has an amazing ability to disseminate complex material and articulate it into easily digestible information. He also provides concrete tools that the fitness or other health professional can easily apply to help with managing this complex topic. I highly recommend his program if you are looking for further tools in your toolbox for you to be able to help your patients and clients.”

Cody Napaepae, CPT, CFSC, PN
Online Fitness Coach
“Most of us in the Fitness Industry know that getting people moving and eating better will get them healthier and the results they're looking for. But what happens when those 2 things don't get clients the results that they want? That's where sleep and recovery come in! Just like coaching someone through movements and nutrition; sleep coaching is about teaching people habits to prioritize recovery to get the best results that they are looking for. Learning about how sleep influences the brain and how it regulates systems in the body has changed my perspective on how I view sleep and how I can apply this in my life. This has been a game changer for myself and clients that I've implemented sleep coaching with. I truly believe this was an element that was missing in my coaching program. This course has helped me approach my craft in a more holistic way than I was previously applying. With this added to my arsenal of other weapons, I am more confident than ever that I can help get my clients the results they are looking for.”

Leyla Tannozzini, MS, LAT, ATC
University of Delaware
“There is a lot of sleep information out there! This course helped to organize and streamline ways to integrate that information to provide a more holistic approach to care and performance enhancement.”

Angus Buckle
Owner at Mr.B.PT
“I was recommended to the sleep coach via a mutual friend and after reading the course content I signed up straight away. It’s the blueprint of how to coach clients to better sleep and so much science covered it’s worth 10X the investment! If you're serious about your health and your client’s health then this course is a must as sleep is the foundation of our health.”

Hilary Obert, DPT, PT
Physical Therapist Seattle Sounders FC
“My name is Hilary Obert and I am a Physical Therapist primarily working with professional soccer athletes. I had the opportunity to enroll in the Sleep and Recovery course during quarantine by Nick Lambe and I was thoroughly impressed. Nick is knowledgeable and evidenced based, but most importantly demonstrated experience implementing and explaining the practical applications of sleep and recovery. I have much more to learn and read from Nick's resources and suggestions, but I have already taken away useful tips and guidelines on how to help athletes/humans sleep better to optimize recovery for sport and life. I would highly recommend this course to those that want to learn more about the importance of sleep (not just duration) and how this along with other elements can affect recovery and well-being.”

Nicholas Sienkiewicz, DPT, CSCS
Proform Physical Therapy
“The Sleep Coach course is an awesome experience! It’s jam-packed with extremely digestible and practical information that can be implemented into practice immediately if needed. Nick does a fantastic job of systematizing an approach to a topic that has been danced around for too long in the world of health and wellness. With sleep being the missing link, sleep coaching can be a pivotal cornerstone in the future of our healthcare industry, and this course is a fundamental stepping stone for that process!”

Michael J Anderson BCTMB LMT FR FMT
Board Certified Massage Therapist
“The Sleep & Recovery Coaching Course is a worthwhile investment. Nick Lambe does an excellent job introducing newbies like me (a massage therapist) to the world of sleep coaching. Nick approaches the world as a healthcare provider. He starts with basic concepts of sleep and its impact on health. He then builds upon this knowledge and provides tools that any individual can use to construct their own custom vehicle for empowering people to improve their health, fitness, & performance. I appreciate Nick’s collaborative style. The course has attracted participants from all over the world in a variety of professional settings, creating a platform for stimulating dialogue. This material will help me bring more value to my established clients, develop my professional network, and build my business. I am looking forward to taking Nick's full certification course when it becomes available.”

Alex Effer CEP, CSCS, XPS
Founder of Resilient Education & Resilient Training and Rehabilitation
“Nick Lambe is one of the most intelligent and humble professionals I have ever met. His ability to systemize and optimize sleep through specific principles is incomparable. Having read copious amounts of information on sleep, recovery and the autonomic influence on the human system, I have found that these resources haven’t done a great job in putting together actionable steps. This is where Nick fits in perfectly. Nick has not only been able to provide a system but more importantly, applicable solutions to be able to use this information as a way to accelerate results with clients and myself. I would highly recommend Nick to anyone who is looking to improve human potential and maximize recovery.”

Hannah Allen (Coach Bash)
Head Coach, Orangetheory Fitness
“Loved the course! It was very in depth and easy to understand. As a personal trainer, the topic of sleep comes up a lot for my clients, and after taking the 4 week course, I feel much more comfortable speaking with my clients about the importance of sleep and making those recommendations on ways to improve their sleep hygiene. Thanks Nick!”
Nicolas Romo
Physiotherapist, Chile
"I really appreciate all the material provided in this course, I think the information presented is very well organized and structured to start applying it at your convenience from the first moment. Much of this information I have not seen presented in such an organized way as it was in these 4 weeks. Very practical information and according to the topic. Regarding Nick, very good disposition and responsibility regarding the delivery of material and answering all the questions raised, either by email or the course group. I am very grateful for these incredible 4 weeks." "Realmente aprecio todo el material brindado en este curso, creo que la información presentada está muy bien organizada y estructurada para comenzar desde el primer momento a aplicarla a tu conveniencia. Mucha de esta información no la he visto presentada de una manera tan organizada como lo fue en estas 4 semanas. Información muy práctica y acorde al tema. Respecto a Nick, muy buena disposición y responsabilidad en cuanto a la entrega de material y responder todas las dudas planteadas, ya sea por email o el grupo del curso. Quedo muy agradecido por estas increíbles 4 semanas."
Nerissa Boggan, RDH, BSDH
Dental Hygienist, Myofunctional Medicine Provider
“I began my journey of studying sleep, by reading the book “Why We Sleep” years ago for my own personal development. I decided to take Nick’s course as a way to learn more practical ideas to improve my own quality of sleep. In doing so, I learned much more than that. Nick’s is a comprehensive course on sleep, recovery, and it also provides steps to practically COACH sleep. Before taking the course, I thought I had enough information to share with my clients/patients. The course increased my perspective, knowledge and my informational bandwidth. As a dental professional, I am in a unique position to make a real difference in my patients’ life by implementing systemic screenings for Sleep, Sleep Disordered Breathing and Airway restriction as it relates to sleep. I believe this approach should be routine and the standard of care. I highly recommend this course. It feels good to save a tooth and restore function, but it feels even better to help change one’s life. So why not? Practice with Purpose!”
4-Week Sleep Coach Course
"Have you ever struggled with sleep? The answer is probably yes, and if it isn’t then I want to know the secret. The reality is the majority of the United States, estimated 75+% currently or has previously struggled with sleep. For every clinician working with clients or patients, this may be a crucial component you may be missing in helping your client reach their goals. Additionally you may be missing this component in yourself and it can greatly impact your professional life. However, there is a lot of information out there and making sense of it all is a daunting task, then throw application of it all onto the top of the pile and you may find your head spinning. This is where Nick Lambe and his course of Sleep Coaching come in. I recently had the pleasure of attending Nick’s 4-week introductory course into sleep coaching. After being apart of this flagship course, I’d be hard pressed to find anyone as competent, confident, well spoken, open-minded, and down to earth as Nick. As someone with little to no personal experience in the realm of sleep studies and application, I was worried I may be left behind. Fear not! The course was broken down expertly into digestible and comprehensive slide shows that built upon each other from week to week. Not only was I not left behind, but found myself craving more information which has lead me down wealth of knowledge that sleep coaching can unlock for clinicians who seek it. In addition to the weekly content, Nick created a community via Facebook where discussions were held, ideas flourished, and people from all across the globe were able to connect and share their unique experiences. I know Nick is releasing a full fledged sleep coaching course and I cannot wait to be apart of it. I believe that anyone in the healthcare field who is not including sleep as a main component of their assessments is doing a disservice to not only their client, but themselves as well. I can’t wait to see the impact that sleep coaching can make on the health care field!"
Sleep Coaching Client Testimonials
Amy M
“I worked with Nick for sleep coaching for 6 sessions in 6 weeks. Little did I know those 6 weeks would completely change my life. I’ve never been a great sleeper but I didn’t think I was in that bad of a place either. I had been recommended Nick through a friend and decided to give it a try. I had been operating a baseline way below what I was capable of! I haven’t looked back, thank you Nick!
Jeff M
“I have been a poor sleeper my whole life. I have seen physicians, sleep specialists and psychiatrists for help and Nick made the greatest strides. Not only did I see improvements fairly quickly, they’ve been long lasting and I’ve never been more confident in my ability to get a good night’s sleep”
Todd H
“I’ll be honest I was a bit skeptical about the idea of a “sleep coach” but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Nick has provided a beacon of hope in helping me improve my sleep. I am exponentially more well rested, focused, motivated and happy in my day to day life”
Diana J
“I was referred to Nick by my physician therapist once I pointed I was dealing with some sleep issues. He was professional and incredibly knowledgeable. He completely tailored the process to my background and my issues. Not only do I struggle with sleep less, I sleep better than I did prior to my issues!
Mary L
“Nick’s approach to sleep coaching is the perfect balance of professional, knowledge and hand holding. I’ve never slept better in my life and I’m so grateful for his work!
Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product/service and it’s potential. In terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this material or on this website. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using my product, ideas, and techniques, and the skills and work ethic of said person. Any claims made of actual earnings or sales numbers can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the result claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of learning potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to mine or anyone else’s. No guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from my ideas and techniques in my material.